an exploration of truth, beauty and the meaning of life


Engage with sgttomas in his search.


Insecurities and what to do about them.

I have some very flowery and grandiose language here and the most pretentious nonsense images too. Two things. First is that sincerity can be fawning and keen to do well, but I’m trying to say something positive about our existence. Despite the obvious suffering life is meaningful and worth it. That’s my thesis. Second is that I try much harder now to stay away from absolute statements, unless fully and completely warranted. My artwork isn’t a statement about something in the specificity of an object or a distinct subject matter. Maybe it’s about ambiguity and the search for meaning. Thus the grandiosity! Huzzah. My illustrated essays, notes and other such works do have a clear subject and I’ve tried to only express what is clear and terse and simplified appropriately.

But yet I think it’s still worth being honest that maybe I’m a wasp. Not nearly as special and beloved as her cousins the bees. Maybe a pest to people, even. But then again, wasps are remarkable in their own right, and beautiful in a majestic and powerful kind of way. Even this tiny creature I captured in the photo, though just a fraction of an inch long, wards off any intrusion into her personal space.

Hmm….yeah, I suppose I have that way of keeping people out too. That’s where this website comes in. I suppose it encourages me to express these intricacies and weird anecdotes that I relish. Odd times that we’re in we have all the specificity we want to our fetishes, but then a narrower and narrower subset of people who share that taste and desire to explore and consummate. Hence, the website. Hello. Farewell. :)