an exploration of truth, beauty and the meaning of life


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Islam is...

By Charles J. Sharp - Own work, from Sharp Photography,, CC BY-SA 4.0

Islam is yours. It’s your own personal thing. It has the property that only true religion possesses. It unites us in what we share together. In true religion we share the reality of God. That is what unites us. Not our worship. Our deeds are insufficient for that and these days we choose so many reasons to separate ourselves based on who does what, how, and who told you so. Our thoughts about ourselves and what’s right or wrong cannot unite us, in fact it’s exploded a multi-versal way of speaking to each other to be accommodating of each person’s own unique perspective.

It’s God that unites us. True religion is where each of us seeks a right relationship with our Lord. It is befitting the Magesty of the Lord and His Name that each person’s journey is unique. None of us can claim their Islam as ***the*** way (Prophet Muhammad has been sent for that). It’s your way, and my way, and it’s what we share between us. It’s what unites us. And God is sufficient as a Uniter.

Nothing else can truly unite us without us surrendering a part of our selves to something contingent, something incomplete, something insufficient of satisfying our deepest needs. Only God can provide that and He has provided the Way to Him too. Every form of deviant religion places a man or a group or a set of conditions between you and God that you must first satisfy. This is false. God calls you directly and speaks to you through your heart. Peace and Love and Blessings to you all my beautiful fellow humans. You are ennobled by God :)

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